Copyright to Damijan Knafeljc

We find this specie in South America (Columbia, Ecuador and Venezuela), it lives in tropical rain forests.

It grows about 22 leg span and it's not very aggressive specie, so it's appropriate for beginners.

The temperature should be around 27°C and the humidity at least 80%. In terrarium we put peat, grinded bark or a piece of root.

This specie lives about 12-15 years. They grow very fast and they love to dig long tunnels. That's why we can put more base in terrarium. Females are grown up at the age of 3 years. Besides all that, they are fast runners, so it's not appropriate if they escape. In cocoon they carrie about 100 egs.

We feed them with crickets and sometimes also with a mouse.

Curiosity: Scientists found out that this sort of specie lives together with frogs. maybe it's because of ants (so the spiders won't have them in their nests).